用途 Application |
Ⅱ 本起动器主要用于井工煤矿、露天煤矿、滞金、港口、选煤厂、发电厂等生产设备的软起动及软停车。 Ⅱ 随着我国煤炭生产机械化、自动化程度的不断提高,长距离、大功率、大运量、高速度的采掘运设备日益增多,软起动已广泛应用于刮板输送机、皮带输送机、绞车、水泵、乳化液泵、主扇、局扇等设备的控制。 Ⅱ This starter is mainly applied to soft start and soft stop for production equipments in coal mine,strip coal mine,metallurgy, harbor coal washery,power house,etc Ⅱ Along with the mechanical and autimatic improvement in our country,and the increase of the excavation and transport equipment with long-distance,high-power,high-freight volume and high-speed advantages,the soft starter has been widely applied to contrlo equipments such as redler, belt, belt conveyer, winch, water pump,emulsion emulsion pump,major blower,portable blower. |
型号 Model |
技术参数 Technical parameter |
额定电压 Rated voltage |
660V ,1140V |
额定电流 Rated current |
400A |
频率 Frequency |
50Hz |
起动时间 Starting time |
0-120s |
停止时间 Stop time |
0-60s |
起动电流 Starting current |
0.5-4le |
最大过载电流 Max overload current |
6ls |
过载时间 Oerllad time |
0-5S |
短路倍数 Short-circuit times |
8le |
起动次数 Starting times |
<20次 /h 隔离 interval > 5min |
本安回路最大开路电压 Max open circuit voltage of intrinsic safety tircuit |
15V |
本安回路最大短路电流 Max short-circuit current of intrinsic safety circuit |
400mA | | | | |