用途 Application |
Ⅱ 本产品主要用于具有煤尘和爆炸性气体的危险场所及煤矿井下,对煤矿井下带式输送机、刮板机、风机、局扇、水泵等设备的软起动、软停车和运行过程进行控制。 Ⅱ This product is mainly applied in dangerous places and mines that with explosive gas,used to control soft start,soft stop and operation of wquipments such as belt conveyer,redler,coal feeder,blower fan,auxiliary fan,water pump,etc,which are used in mine. |
特点 Characteristics |
Ⅱ 本产品采用进口大功率模块及先进的热管散热技术,具有起动电流小,起动速度平稳,起动性能可靠,对电网冲击小等优点,并具有短路、过载、欠压、过压、过热、失速、漏电等保护功能,确保设备的安全性和经济运行。 Ⅱ This product adopts imported high power module and advanced heat pipe radiation treatment,possesses advantages like low starting current ,stable starting speed,reliable starting performance and low impact to power network,and also has protections like short-circuit,overload, overload,under-voltage,over heat,stalling leakage and so on,ensured the equipment work safe and economically |
型号 Model |
技术参数 Technical parameter |
额定电压 Rated voltage |
660V ,1140V |
额定电流 Rated current |
400A |
频率 Frequency |
50Hz |
起动时间 Starting time |
0-120s |
停止时间 Stop time |
0-60s |
起动电流 Starting current |
0.5-4le |
最大过载电流 Max overload current |
6ls |
过载时间 Oerllad time |
0-5S |
短路倍数 Short-circuit times |
8le |
起动次数 Starting times |
<20次 /h 隔离 interval > 5min |
本安回路最大开路电压 Max open circuit voltage of intrinsic safety tircuit |
15V |
本安回路最大短路电流 Max short-circuit current of intrinsic safety circuit |
400mA | | | | |